1. CONCEPTS 1.1. El. Shop – the Seller’s website/shop (ikrautas.lt), which identifies the Buyer, his/her order, contact details, payment and delivery details; 1.2. Seller – UAB Įkrautas, company code 305604922, address. 3-5, LT-08200 Vilnius , phone +370 628 00795; e-mail info@ikrautas.lt 1.3. Buyer – a natural person of legal age, a natural person who is a minor (from 14 to 18 years of age) and who has the consent of his/her parents or guardians (except for the cases when he/she independently disposes of his/her own income), a legal person or an authorised representative of the aforementioned persons who purchases the Goods from the Seller; 1.4. Goods – Seller’s Email. Goods sold in the Shop; 1.5. Order – a list of goods to be purchased by the Buyer; 1.6. Rules – the Buying and Selling Rules, which set out the relationship, rights, duties and responsibilities between the Buyer and the Seller.

2.1. These Rules are a legal document binding on the parties, which sets out – the rights and obligations of the Buyer and the Seller, the conditions for acquiring and paying for the Goods, the procedure for delivery and return of the Goods, the parties’ liability and other provisions related to the sale of the Goods. 2.2. When submitting the Order to the Seller, the Buyer must get acquainted with these Rules and confirms the acquaintance when submitting the necessary data for concluding the Agreement and delivering the Order. 2.3. The Seller has the right to change the Rules at any time, taking into account the requirements established by law. The Buyer will be informed about the changes in the Rules in the E-Shop.

3.1. Taisyklės santykiams tarp Pirkėjo ir Pardavėjo pradedamos taikyti nuo to momento, kai: 3.1.1. Pirkėjas sufuormuoja užsakymą El. Parduotuvėje, pateikia duomenis reikalingus Sutarčiai sudaryti, užsakymui pristatyti, paspaudžia nuorodą „Pirkti“; 3.1.2. Pirkėjas pirkdamas telefonu Pardavėjui pateikia reikiamus duomenis Sutarčiai sudaryti, Užsakymui suformuoti bei pristatyti; 3.1.3. The Buyer shall submit the Order and the documents required to conclude a contract for the consumer credit service provided by the leasing companies.
4.1. The Buyer has the right to purchase Goods from the Seller in accordance with these Rules. 4.2. Pirkėjas turi teisę nenurodydamas priežasties per keturiolika dienų atsisakyti ir grąžinti Prekes pirktas El. Parduotuvėje. Pirkėjas, vadovaujantis šio straipsnio nuostatomis, apie Prekių grąžinimą praneša Pardavėjui pateikdamos laisvos formos pareiškimą, kuriame išdėstytas jo sprendimas atsisakyti ir grąžinti Prekes. Pranešimas apie Prekių atsisakymą ir grąžinimą pateikiamas Pardavėjui el. paštu nurodytu El. Parduotuvėje. Pirkėjas nedelsdamas ir ne vėliau kaip per keturiolika dienų nuo pranešimo apie Prekės atsisakymą ir grąžinimą pateikimo Pardavėjui dienos turi išsiųsti arba perduoti Prekes Pardavėjui. Pirkėjui tenka tik tiesioginės Prekių grąžinimo išlaidos. Gražintinos Prekės privalo būti nenaudotos ir tokios pačios būklės Prekių priėmimo metu Pirkėjui. 4.3. The Buyer has the right to cancel and return the Goods after the expiry of the 14-day period specified in Clause 4.2. The Buyer must notify the Seller in writing, indicating the Product (s) to be returned and the reason for the return. For the sake of clarity, this provision does not mean that the Seller is obliged to accept the returned Goods, and in each specific case, the Seller, after examining the return request, makes a decision on the return of the Goods. If the Seller makes a decision to accept the returned Goods, the return and transfer of the Goods shall be carried out in accordance with the conditions agreed separately between the Buyer and the Seller. 4.4. The Buyer may exercise the right provided for in Clause 4.3 of the Rules only if the Product has not been damaged, its appearance has not substantially changed and it has not been used. 4.5. In case the Buyer purchases a set of Goods from the Seller and in accordance with the rights provided for in Clause 4.3. of the Rules wishes to give up certain (a certain) Goods (Good), he / she must return the entire set of Goods to the Seller. In case at least one of the Goods in the set does not meet the requirements provided for in Clause 11.4. of the Rules, the Seller has the right to refuse to accept the returned set of Goods. 4.6. Šių Taisyklių 4.2 ir 4.3. straipsniai nėra taikomi supakuotoms Prekėms, kurios buvo išpakuotos po pristatymo ir kurios yra netinkamos grąžinti dėl sveikatos apsaugos ar higienos priežasčių.
5.1. The Buyer must pay for the Goods and accept them in accordance with these Rules. 5.2. Naudodamasis El. parduotuve Pirkėjas įsipareigoja laikytis šių Taisyklių, kitų sąlygų, pateiktų El. parduotuvėje bei Lietuvos Respublikos teisės aktų.
6.1. The Seller has the right to set the minimum size of the Order at its own discretion, i.e., the minimum amount after which free delivery of the Buyer’s Order will be performed. This amount is indicated in the Seller’s delivery terms. 6.2. If the Buyer tries to compromise the stability and security of the E-shop or violates his / her obligations, the Seller has the right to immediately and without notice restrict or suspend the Buyer’s access to the E-shop. 6.3. When the Buyer chooses the method of payment provided for in Clause 8.1.3 of the Rules – in cash upon delivery of the Goods – the Seller shall contact the Buyer with the contacts indicated by him / her in case of any doubts regarding the information provided in the order. The Seller has the right to cancel his / her order without notifying the Buyer in advance, if the Seller cannot contact the Buyer within 3 (three) business days. 6.4. In case of any uncertainties regarding the order information, the Seller has the right to contact the Customer by means of the specified contacts. The Seller has the right to cancel the order without notifying the Buyer in advance, if the Buyer does not contact the Seller within three (3) working days and does not provide the necessary information. 6.5. The Seller has the right to cancel the order if there are stock problems or website errors that would prevent the original order from being fulfilled, or to offer to change the order so that it is acceptable to both parties. The Seller must, in writing or during a telephone call, inform the Buyer prior to the cancellation and refund if the order is not fulfilled. The Seller is not responsible and in no way has control over the time of refund at the Buyer’s bank or credit card provider. 6.6. Pardavėjas turi teisę atšaukti užsakymą, jei trečiųjų šalių mokėjimo paslaugų teikėjai mano, kad operacija gali būti nesaugi, nesąžininga ar nepatikima. Pardavėjas grąžina lėšas tuo pačiu mokėjimo būdu, kuris buvo naudojamas užsakymo apmokėjimo metu, ir informuoja Pirkėją el. paštu ar telefono skambučiu. Pirkėjas gali bandyti dar kartą užsisakyti naudodamas kitą mokėjimo parinktį.
7.1. The Seller undertakes to make the services of the E-Shop available to the Buyer under the conditions set forth in these Rules and the E-Shop. 7.2. The Seller undertakes to respect the Buyer’s right to privacy of the personal information belonging to him / her, and to process the personal data specified by the Buyer only in accordance with the procedure established in Section 12 of the Rules and the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania. 7.3. The Seller undertakes to deliver the Goods ordered by the Buyer to the address specified by the Buyer under the conditions specified in Section 9 of the Rules. 7.4. If the Seller is unable to deliver the ordered Product to the Buyer due to important circumstances, the Seller undertakes to offer a similar or as similar in qualities product as possible. If the Buyer refuses to accept a similar or similar in qualities product, the Seller undertakes to return the paid money to the Buyer within 3 (three) business days, if a prepayment has been made. 7.5. Pirkėjui pasinaudojus Taisyklių 4.2. – 4.3. punktuose numatyta teise ir esant Taisyklių 4.5. punkte numatytai sąlygai, Pardavėjas įsipareigoja grąžinti Pirkėjui sumokėtus pinigus per 14 (keturiolika) dienų, skaičiuojamų nuo pranešimo apie Prekės grąžinimą gavimo dienos, bet ne anksčiau nei kol Prekės gražintos Pardavėjui arba kol Pirkėjas pateikia įrodymą, kad Prekės yra išsiųstos Pardavėjui.
8.1. Pirkėjas gali atsiskaityti už Prekes vienu iš šių būdų: 8.1.1. Electronic banking – it is a prepayment using the electronic banking system used by the Buyer. When paying for the Goods in this way, a payment is generated for the Buyer in the electronic banking system according to his / her Order. The Buyer transfers the money to the Seller’s account in the respective bank of its choice. The responsibility for data security in this case lies with the respective bank, as all monetary transactions take place in the bank’s electronic banking system. 8.1.2. Bank Transfer – a prepayment where the Buyer transfers money from his/her account to the Seller’s account in accordance with the Order Invoice provided.
9.1. When ordering the Goods, the Buyer may choose the method of delivery of the Goods, i.e., to use the Goods delivery service provided by the Seller’s authorized representative. 9.2. Prekių pristatymas Pirkėjui: 9.2.1. The Buyer, having chosen the Goods delivery service at the time of ordering, undertakes to indicate the exact place of delivery of the Goods. 9.2.2. The Buyer undertakes to accept the Goods himself / herself or to indicate the person who will collect the Goods at the time of concluding the Order. In the event that the Buyer (or another specified person) is unable to accept the Goods and the Goods are delivered to the specified address and based on other data provided by the Buyer, the Buyer shall not be entitled to make claims against the Seller for delivery of the Goods to the wrong entity. 9.2.3. The Goods are delivered by the Seller or its authorized representative. 9.2.4. The delivery (transportation) fee is calculated depending on the size of the Order and the place of delivery. 9.2.5. When the Buyer wishes the Goods to be delivered outside Lithuania, the delivery terms of the Order shall be agreed upon in a separate agreement. 9.2.6. Delivery to the Curonian Spit region is subject to an additional fee.
* Due to the state of emergency, the delivery of Goods during the COVID-19 pandemic may take up to 7 days.
9.3. In all cases, the Seller shall be released from liability for violation of the terms of delivery of the Goods, if the Goods are not delivered to the Buyer or are not delivered in time due to the fault of the Buyer or due to circumstances depending on the Buyer. 9.4. Prekių pateikimo Pirkėjui metu Pirkėjas privalo kartu su Pardavėju arba jo įgaliotu atstovu patikrinti siuntos ir Prekės (-ių) būklę bei pasirašyti siuntos perdavimo–priėmimo dokumentą. Pirkėjui pasirašius siuntos perdavimo–priėmimo dokumente, laikoma, kad siunta yra perduota tinkamos būklės, Prekių pažeidimų, kurių atsiradimo pagrindas priskirtinas ne gamykliniam brokui bei Prekės (-ių) komplektacijos neatitikimų (tokių, kuriuos galima nustatyti išorinės Prekių apžiūros metu) nėra. Pastebėjęs, kad pateiktos siuntos pakuotė pažeista (suglamžyta, šlapia ar kitaip išoriškai pažeista), Prekė(-ės) yra pažeista (-os) ir/ar Prekė (-ės) yra netinkamos komplektacijos, Pirkėjas privalo tai pažymėti siuntos perdavimo–priėmimo dokumente bei, dalyvaujant Pardavėjui ar jo atstovui, surašyti laisvos formos siuntos ir/ar Prekės (-ių) pažeidimo/neatitikimų aktą. Pirkėjui neatlikus šių veiksmų, Pardavėjas yra atleidžiamas nuo atsakomybės prieš Pirkėją dėl Prekių pažeidimų, jeigu tokių pažeidimų atsiradimo pagrindas nėra gamyklinis brokas bei dėl Prekių komplektacijos neatitikimų, jeigu šiuos neatitikimus galima nustatyti išorinės Prekių apžiūros metu.
10.1. The characteristics of each of the Seller’s Products are generally indicated in the Product Description attached to each Product. 10.2. The Seller is not responsible for the fact that the color, shape or other parameter of the Product in the E-shop may not correspond to the actual size, shape and color of the Product due to the characteristics of the monitor used by the Buyer. 10.3. The Seller provides a quality guarantee for certain types of Goods valid for a certain period of time, the specific term and other conditions of which are specified in the descriptions of such Goods. The description of a specific Product is considered to be an integral part of these Rules. 10.4. The quality guarantee provided by the Seller does not limit or restrict the rights of consumers, which are imposed on them by legal acts when purchasing a Product or service of poor quality. 10.5. The Seller does not provide warranty maintenance services for the Goods, referring the Buyer to the center providing warranty services in each specific case. 10.6. In cases where the law sets a certain expiration date for specific Goods, the Seller undertakes to sell such Goods to the Buyer in such a way that he / she has a real opportunity to use such Goods before the expiration date. 10.7. Tais atvejais, kai Prekės garantijos terminas nėra nustatytas, pagal šių Taisyklių 10.3 straipsnį ir kai paaiškėja parduotos Prekės trūkumai, Pardavėjas atsako už Prekės trūkumus, kurie išaiškėja per dvejus metus nuo Prekės perdavimo. Paaiškėjus, jog parduota Prekė yra su trūkumais, Pirkėjas turi teisę per šiame straipsnyje nurodytą terminą kreiptis į Pardavėją pagal šių Taisyklių 11.2 straipsnį arba spręsti susidariusį ginčą 14.3 straipsnyje numatyta tvarka.
11.1. Defects in the sold Goods shall be eliminated, low-quality Goods shall be replaced and returned in accordance with the Retail Trade Rules approved by the Civil Code of the Republic of Lithuania (hereinafter – the CC) Resolution No. 738 of 22 July 2014 and the provisions of these Rules. 11.2. Pirkėjas, kuriam buvo parduota netinkamos kokybės Prekė arba Prekė su trūkumais, savo pasirinkimu turi teisę garantinio termino laikotarpiu (10.3 ir 10.7 punktai): 11.2.1. reikalauti iš Pardavėjo nemokamai pašalinti Prekės trūkumus (pataisyti Prekę); 11.2.2. reikalauti iš Pardavėjo nemokamai pakeisti netinkamos kokybės Prekę tinkamos kokybės Preke; 11.2.3. reikalauti iš Pardavėjo atitinkamai sumažinti kainą; 11.2.4. to demand a refund of the price paid. 11.3. In order to return the Product (s) in the cases specified in the Rules, the Buyer must contact the Seller and submit a free-form written request for the return of the Goods. 11.4. Pirkėjui grąžinant Prekes, pagal šių Taisyklių 4.3 punktą, būtina laikytis šių sąlygų: 11.4.1. grąžinama Prekė turi būti originalioje tvarkingoje pakuotėje (šis punktas netaikomas tuo atveju, kai grąžinama nekokybiška Prekė); 11.4.2. Prekė turi būti Pirkėjo nesugadinta; 11.4.3. Prekė turi būti nenaudota, nepraradusi prekinės išvaizdos (nepažeistos etiketės, nenuplėštos apsauginės plėvelės ir kt.) (šis punktas netaikomas tuo atveju, kai grąžinama nekokybiška Prekė); 11.4.4. grąžinama Prekė turi būti tos pačios komplektacijos, kokios buvo Pirkėjo gauta; 11.4.5. when returning the Goods, it is necessary to submit the document of its acquisition and a written request for the return of the Goods. 11.5. The Buyer can send the returned goods using the courier services of his / her choice. In the event that the Goods are returned in accordance with the rights provided for in Clauses 4.2. and 4.3., the Buyer shall bear the costs of returning the Goods. 11.6. In all cases, money for returned Goods shall be transferred by payment order and only to the payer’s bank account.
12.1. When placing an Order, the Buyer must provide the Seller with personal data that allows the Seller to identify the Buyer, deliver the Order, contact for additional information if necessary, or (with the customer’s consent) use it for direct marketing purposes. The Seller processes the Buyer’s personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy. We recommend that you read them carefully and make sure that all the provisions of the Privacy Policy are understood and acceptable to you. 12.2. By submitting the Order, the Buyer agrees to the sending of information notices to the e-mail address and telephone number specified by him, which are necessary for the execution of the Order of the Goods. 12.3. A Buyer who does not wish his / her email address or telephone number to continue to be used for direct marketing purposes must notify the Seller. 12.4. The Seller confirms that the personal data specified by the Buyer will be processed only for the purposes of purchasing the Goods from the Seller and direct marketing (unless the Buyer notifies in accordance with the procedure specified in Clause 12.3. of the Rules that he / she does not want his / her personal data processed for direct marketing purposes). The Seller undertakes not to disclose the Buyer’s personal data to third parties, except for the Seller’s partners providing delivery of Goods or other services related to the proper execution of the Buyer’s order. In all other cases, the Buyer’s personal data may be disclosed to third parties only in accordance with the procedure provided for by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania. 12.5. The personal data used by the Buyer when making transfers from his / her credit or debit accounts to the Seller in banking systems is processed securely using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates. The full responsibility for this personal data rests with the banks used by the Buyer. 12.6. The Buyer, as a data subject, has the right to receive information on the processing of his / her personal data, to correct it, to delete it or to object to its processing. 12.7. In order to provide the Buyer with the full capabilities of the E-Shop, the Seller enters information – cookies – on the Buyer’s computer (device). The information used by the Seller is used to identify the Buyer as a previous visitor to the E-Shop, to store information about the purchases added to the Buyer’s Shopping Cart, and to collect website traffic statistics. The Buyer has the opportunity to view what information (cookies) the Seller enters and may delete some or all of the saved cookies. The Buyer also has the right to object to the storage and use of information (cookies) on his / her computer (device), in which case certain features of the E-Shop may not be available to him / her. By accepting the Rules, the Buyer agrees to the entering of information on his / her computer (device). The Buyer may revoke this consent at any time by changing the settings of his / her web browser or by contacting the Seller. 12.8. Any request or instruction related to the processing of personal data must be submitted by the Buyer to the Seller in writing. Upon receipt of such request or instruction from the Buyer, the Seller shall provide a written response to the Buyer within 30 (thirty) calendar days. 12.9. Pirkėjui nesutinkant su šiame Taisyklių skyriuje nurodytomis Asmens duomenų apsaugos nuostatomis, Pirkėjas praranda teisę naudotis El. parduotuvės teikiamomis paslaugomis.
13.1. The Buyer is fully responsible for the accuracy of the personal data provided by him / her. If the Buyer does not provide accurate personal data, the Seller is not responsible for the consequences and acquires the right to claim compensation for direct losses incurred by the Buyer. 13.2. The Buyer is responsible for the actions taken using the E-Shop. 13.3. The Seller is released from any liability in cases where the loss arises due to the fact that the Buyer, despite the recommendations of the Seller and its obligations, did not read these Rules, even though he / she was given such an opportunity. 13.4. If the Seller’s E-Shop contains links to other companies, institutions, organizations, or persons’ websites, the Seller is not responsible for the information or activities performed there, does not maintain, control, and does not represent those companies and persons. 13.5. The Seller is not responsible for the proper fulfillment of mutual obligations between the Buyer and the Seller’s partners whose services the Buyer orders. 13.6. In the event of damage, the party at fault shall compensate the other party for direct damages.
14.1. These Rules have been drawn up in accordance with the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania. 14.2. The law of the Republic of Lithuania shall apply to the relations arising on the basis of these Rules. 14.3. Visi nesutarimai, kilę dėl šių taisyklių vykdymo, sprendžiami derybų būdu. Nepavykus susitarti, ginčai sprendžiami LR įstatymų nustatyta tvarka, įskaitant, bet neapsiribojant: 14.3.1. Pirkėjas turi teisę prašymą/skundą dėl El. Parduotuvėje įsigytos Prekės pateikti Valstybinei vartotojų teisių apsaugos tarnybai (Vilniaus g. 25, 01402, Vilnius, el. p. tarnyba@vvtat.lt , tel. 8 5 262 67 51, faks. 8 5 279 1466, interneto svetainėje http://www.vvtat.lt/, taip pat Valstybinės vartotojų teisių apsaugos tarnybos padaliniams apskrityse); 14.3.2. Pirkėjas turi teisę spręsti kilusį ginčą pasinaudodamas alternatyvia elektronine vartotojų ginčo sprendimo platforma (EGS), kuri yra pasiekiama tinklapyje- https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/main/index.cfm?event=main.home2.show&lng=LT. Kontaktinis centras Lietuvoje – Valstybinė vartotojų teisių apsaugos tarnyba – http://www.vvtat.lt/; 14.3.3. The Buyer shall have the right to apply to the court in accordance with the procedures set out in the Civil Procedure Code of the Republic of Lithuania.

Product categories

Pasirinkite savybes
Pasirinkite savybes
Pasirinkite savybes
Interface with solar power
Pasirinkite savybes
Interface with solar power
Pasirinkite savybes
Pasirinkite savybes
Pasirinkite savybes
Price - slider
Price - inputs
App control
Pasirinkite savybes
App control
Eligible for support
Pasirinkite savybes
Eligible for support
Pasirinkite savybes
Pasirinkite savybes
Pasirinkite savybes